Siobhan giving her final presentation to the Psychology Dept. Slide shows an eccentricity effect in spatial STM
It has been a busy few weeks for the Motorbias project team. The really big news was that Siobhan submitted her PhD thesis and is looking forward to her viva later this summer. We were delighted that Profs David Pearson from Anglia Ruskin university agreed to be the external examiner, with Prof Alex Easton acting as internal examiner. Siobhan also gave her final talk to the department, and it was really great to see how the whole PhD fitted together.
Alexis also gave talk this month, presenting some very promising looking preliminary data on the PSP project at the Wolfson Early Career Conference. He did a great job summarizing our rather complex project and coped well with some challenging questions from the audience. It was an ideal warm-up for FESN later this summer, where he’ll be presenting as part of a symposium on “Visual cognition and oculomotor control in neurodegenerative diseases”, alongside Dr Luca Wollenberg (Ludwig Maximilian University, Germany), Prof Trevor Crawford (Lancaster University, UK) and Prof Chrystalina Antoniades (Oxford University, UK)
There have also been some exiting developments with the PSP prism glasses project (User Perspectives on the Efficacy of Prism Therapy for PSP | Motor Bias Project), as Dan has started running the Patient and Public Involvement Studies with Susan Wilson from Sunderland Royal that will hopefully inform the development of a grant exploring whether prisms actually provide functional benefits for people with PSP. The PPI work has been quite a steep learning curve, and we’re very grateful to Jo and Alex from NIHR Research Design Service NE for their advice and support in organising these sessions!
As always Dan is very keen to hear from anyone with PSP who might be interested in helping us with PPI wor, or participating in Alexis’ research project Can cognitive tests differentiate PSP and Parkinson’s disease? | Motor Bias Project, if you are interested in either please email Dan (daniel.smith2@durham.ac.uk) or Alexis (alexis.cheviet@durham.ac.uk)
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