Dan has teamed up with Edwin Dalmaijer from Bristol to guest edit a SI of MDPI Vision focused on web-based studies of vision. This SI was inspired by the recent expansion in the use of online research in vision science, which has been accelerated by the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic. Using web-based studies offers may opportunities in terms of sizes and diversity of samples, but comes with challenges to scientists who are used to exerting a high degree of control in the lab. This special issue hopes to bring together web-based studies of vision and visual cognition to better understand how scholars have adapted to
this new paradigm, and what successes (and failures!) there have been in translating from the lab to the virtual world. Empirical, methodological and theoretical are welcome, and they are particularly keen to encourage multi-experiment papers and review papers. More information about the SI and APC can be found here: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/vision/special_issues/cybervision.
MDPI have also knidly offered a number of APC discounts for multi-experiment emprical and review papers, if you are considering submitting a paper please get in touch with Dan (daniel.smith2@durham.ac.uk) to see if it will be eligible for the discount.
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